Terms Of Use

        1. Items of service recognition and acceptance
        2. Service Introduction
        3. Service Amendment
        4. Items of service changes
        5. User account/password security maintenance
        6. Users privacy protection rules
        7. User management
        8. End service
        9. Refused to provide guarantee
        10. Limited responsibilities
        11. "onebound website"1 registered user service information storage and restrictions
        12. Protection of interests
        13. Announcement
        14. Involved in advertising planning
        15. Mail content ownership
        16. Legal effect
        Note 1: In these user guidelines all the word “onebound” represent the term “onebound website”. “onebound” is the short form of “onebound website”.
        1. Terms of service recognition and acceptance
        The ownership and operation rights of onebound registered users’ service belong to "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd". The service provided must be strictly enforced in accordance with its published Articles of Association, the terms of service and operation rules. Users clicking the “submit” button in the registration process have reached an agreement and accept all the terms of service with "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd".
        2. Service Introduction
        "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" uses our information and services to provide users with the international shopping service through the Internet. The user must provide detailed, accurate, true, legal and valid personal information, and timely submit to modify the personal data when there are any changes.
Users can also authorize "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" to reveal their basic information to a third party, but the company won’t make the users’ additional information public.               Only if:
        1) User requires "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd"or a person authorized to disclose such information by e-mail service
        2) Corresponding legal rules and procedures require "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" to provide the user's personal data.
        If user provides inaccurate, untruthful or invalid information, the company has the right to unilaterally suspend, interrupt or terminate the user’s right of onebound registered user services.
        While enjoying the onebound registered user services, users agree to accept various information services provided by onebound registered user service.

        3. Services Amendment
        "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" reserves the right to modify or discontinue the service without notifying theuser. "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" exercises the right to modify or discontinue the service without being responsible for the user or the third party.

        4. Terms of service changes
        "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" will modify the Terms of Service when necessary, onebound registered user service terms once be changed, the company will prompt changes on the page before the user enters the next step. If you agree with the changes, then click the "I agree" button. If you do not accept, then please cancel your user’s service qualification immediately.
        Users will need two aspects of confirmation to continue using onebound registered user service:
        1) Firstly, confirm onebound registered user service terms and its changes.
        2) Agrees to accept all the restrictions of service terms.

        5. User account/password security maintenance
        Once you registered as a user, you will get a password and account. You will bear the legal responsibility for all the behavior based on your user name and password. Therefore, please keep your password safe and do not disclose it to any third party. Otherwise, you will bear all legal consequences arising from this. If you find that your password may have been disclosed, please change the password immediately. You can always change your password and information, also can end the old account and restart a new account. If users find any illegal use of users’ account or other security vulnerabilities, please notice "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" immediately.

        6. Users privacy protection rules
        Respecting user privacy is a basic policy of "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd". So as a complement to the second point about the registration information, "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" would not open, change, or disclose the user's additional information and the non-public content saved in the onebound registered users service, unless there are legal licensing requirements, or "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" discloses the information on the integrity basis necessarily in the following four conditions:
        1) Comply with the law, to comply onebound registered users legal services program
        2) To maintain the trade mark ownership of onebound website maintenance
        3) In an emergency situation trying to maintain personal and social public privacy and security
        4) Meet other requirements

        7. User management
        Users assume the responsibility of their issued content individually. Users’ implementation of the service is accordance with all applicable local laws, national laws and international legal standards in web services.
        The user must follow
        1) Information released must comply with relevant laws and regulations in your country
        2) Do not use the website registered users service for illegal activities
        3) Do not interfere or confusing network services.
        4) Comply all the network protocols, regulations and procedures in the registered users services.
        The website registered users service sends and collects information through the Internet. The user's behavior is in accordance with national regulations, policies and procedures about Internet. Users must promise not to transmit any unlawful, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene information. In addition, users shouldn't transfer any data to abet others constituting crime; users shouldn’t transfer any adverse information related to domestic conditions and national security; users shouldn't transfer any information which is inconformity with the local, national and international laws. Prohibit unauthorized access to other computer systems without permission. If the user's behavior does not meet the above mentioned terms, "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" will make independent judgments and will immediately abolish the user’s services account.
Users need to bear legal liability for their behavior in the onebound registered users service. If the user distribute or disseminate any reactionary, pornographic information or other information in violation of the national law in the onebound registered users services, onebound registered user service system record may be used as the evidence for the user's violation of the law.

        8. End service
        "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" can suspend the Web services at any time based on the actual situation. "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" can suspend the Web services at any time without being responsible for any individual or third party. Users who object to any proposed service terms or have any objection with the term modification, or dissatisfied with onebound registered user service, users can exercise the following recourse:
        1) No longer use the onebound registered users service.
        2) End user’s service eligibility of onebound registered user service.
        3) Notice "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" to terminate the user's service.
After ending the user’s services, user’s right of onebound registered users service has to be immediately suspended. At the same time, "Sanli Trading" no longer bears any duties and obligation to the user.

        9. Refused to provide guarantee
        User expressly agrees to take the risk of the mail service personally. "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" expressly indicates not providing any type of guarantee, neither explicit nor implicit, but for the commercial implied warranties, there’s no restriction to supply appropriate guarantee for those with specific purpose and not in violation of the rules. "Sanli Trading" doesn’t guarantee the service timeliness, security, errors; "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" doesn’t guarantee the information transfer accurateness, timeliness and success as well. Users understand and accept any information(downloaded or obtained from SGshop registered user service), depending on the users’own and the users take all risks and responsibilities of any system damage or data loss. Users would not receive any verbal or written advice or information from the "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd", "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" would not supply the express warranty as well.

        10. limited responsibilities
        "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" is irresponsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, special and consequential damage, the damage is from: improper use of network membership services, or illegal use of information send by users. The damage will lead harm to "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" image and reputation, so "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" put forward the possibility of such damages.

        11. “onebound website" registered user service information storage and restrictions
        "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" is not responsible for the user’s failure of deleting or saving information. "GuangZhou Jiangri Trading Co.Ltd" does not have upper limit for information transmission capacity, but the company reserves the right to determine if the user's behavior is consistent with onebound registered user service requirements and spirit, if the user violates the Terms of Service, then the user’s registered service account will be suspended. All content of this website belongs to onebound; anyone who needs to reprint the content of the website has to obtain onebound authorization.

        12. Protection of interests
Users agree to protect and maintain the interests of all onebound members, responsible for the legal payment caused by the user’s use beyond the services scope, the compensation for violating of the service terms, the recourse fee arises by others using the user’s computer and account and other intellectual property rights.

        13. Announcement
All announcements can be sent to users via e-mail or regular mail delivery. onebound will send announcements to the users by e-mail service to inform the changes of service terms, service changes, or other important things.

        14. Involved in the advertising planning
Users can add their promotional materials or advertising campaign in the published information, and display their products in the onebound registered user service. Any such promotional methods, including the transport, payment, services, business conditions, warranties and advertising-related description are only between the appropriate users and advertisers. onebound does not assume any responsibility, onebound registered user services assumes no responsibility in such advertising sales.

        15. Mail content ownership
User-defined content includes: text, software, sound, pictures, video, and charts; all ad contents; all e-mail contents; business information provided by onebound registered user service. All of these contents are under protection of copyright, trademarks, labels and other property ownership laws. Users can only use such contents with onebound’s and advertisers’ authorization, but cannot unauthorized copy and compile the contents, or create content-related derivative products.

        16. Legal effect
Mail Service Term has to be consistent with the country's national law, including the controversial contents. Users and onebound agreed to obey the High Court jurisdiction. If any service term is in conflict with the law, these provisions will be re-parsed to get as close as possible, other terms maintain the existing legal force and effect to the users.
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