Order Procedure

Step one: Choose the product

Choose your favorite items from any China E-shopping website.


Step two: Submit order

Enter the “Shopping” page and then paste the product detailed information webpage address to generate the order manually or use the “Express” function to generate the order automatically. You need to manually fill in the detailed information of your purchasing requirements and then submit the order. You can find your selected products in the “My Shopping Cart” page.


Step three: The payment

Enter “My Shopping Cart” and select the products you want. Submit the order and make the payment for the product as well as the freight. Once received your payment www.onebound.cn will start purchasing the items for you immediately.


Step four: The purchasing procedures

www.onebound.cn  purchasing procedures are:

www.onebound.cn  service team receives the order >> buyers purchase the selected items from venders >> ship the purchased items to the

www.onebound.cn  warehouse >> buyers examine the purchased items.


Tip: www.onebound.cn  buyers purchasing process, you can inquire the purchasing status in "My parcel", when the status shows "Arrived ", you can "Submit to ship".


Step five: The payment of freight and service charges upon products arrival

Go to the "My Orders" page, and then select "Arrived” to choose and submit your desired delivery method, then fill in the correct information of your receipt, submit for final settlement and wait for receiving.


Step six: submit delivery and ready to ship

When www.onebound.cn team is handling the waybills, you can inquire the status in " My parcel ", when the status shows as "shipped". you can also make your own inquiries in " package tracking".


Step seven: receiving confirmation

As soon as receiving the package, please confirm receiving on the “My Parcel” page and comment on the purchasing service. We will award you the corresponding points to complete the purchasing service.

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