Order/Delivery Status

Order Status
Pending: The original state after order submission.
Processing: Orders have been distribute to the buyers.
Purchasing: Buyers are ordering goods to the merchants.
Purchased: The product has been purchased, waiting for the product’s arrival at the onebound warehouse.
No stock*: The product is out of stock.
Invalid Order*: Order has been canceled; wrong or invalid product link submission; the submitted product name or price is inconformity with the actual product 
Name or price: no picture or descriptionof the actual product; virtual product or prohibited product, etc.
Problematic Order: No required size or color description, waiting for the customer to re-confirm.
Processing Return/Refund: Negotiating with the retailer, processing the return/refund.
Contacting Retailer: onebound is contacting the retailers, but hasn’t got the reply. If you don’t want to wait any more,please contact with our customer service for   refund.
Arrived: The ordered products have arrived at the onebound warehouse.

Parcel Status
Pending: The original state after order submission.
Processing: The warehousemen are processing the delivery and packaging.
On Delivery: Product packaging completed, onebound is sending your purchased product by your selected way of delivery.
Shipped: Parcel has been sent to the transport side.
Information Error: Wrong or invalid recipient name, address or other information.
Acknowledge Receipt: The customer has received their purchased items from onebound.

Note: For the order with *, you only need to delete it manually, the cost will be automatically returned to "My Account".
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